Thursday, June 5, 2008

Losing It

Seriously people, I am losing my damn mind. I can't tell you how many times I have forgotten my cell phone. I never forget my cell phone. I just don't. That is like forgetting your car keys, you just don't do it. I will forget it at home and not just on the counter. When I go to look for it, it is in the closet, or the bathroom, or some where so random. I will leave it in the car when I walk into work. I swear I am just spacey as all get out. Eli is constantly having to remind me things and it is normally the other way around.

Yesterday I went to Starbucks to get Shannon and I a treat and I went to pay with our debit card and it wasn't in the holder. I instantly thought Eli took it for the day. Nope. So then I am totally racking my brain. I remembered using it Tuesday night at dinner, but I could have sworn I grabbed in when I put the receipts in my purse. Nope. Not anywhere. So I am stressing out and then figured maybe it was at work and I would deal with it today.

Today comes. I forgot that I didn't have my card until I went to purchase something THIS AFTERNOON! Seriously? It could have been stolen. It could have been being used. I'm a moron some times. So I call where we ate on Tuesday and they are holding my debit card for me. How the hell did I leave my debit card at the restaurant!?!??!?!?!!! If my head weren't attached, I might misplace it as well. I am just lucky that it didn't fall into the hands of a nut and our account wasn't drained.


Anonymous said...

I'm totally with you on this one...yes I read on the tiolet!

That felt liberating! LOL!

My cousin's husband even has a magazine box in the bathroom...that is a little too much reading material.

Sarah Lynn said...

That is really scary! I'm glad you got your card back.