Tuesday, October 21, 2008

One More Week

I just ate some breakfast and the baby is now going nuts. I guess he/she likes what I had...yummy Cocoa Puffs. I know, not the most nutritional or healthy, but oh so good. And obviously, I am not the only one that liked them! The box is now empty though so the rest of the week will either be Honey Nut Cheerios or Golden Grahams.

I love feeling the baby moving around. I love that the movements are getting stronger which assures me that the baby is getting bigger and stronger. Just one more week until we find out. I am beyond elated. I just can't wait!!!

My belly must be growing or something because it has been itching something fierce. I feel like I need to drink even more water to help with the expansion of it all. I have been faithful about lubing the tummy and boobs up with Vitamin E oil every morning after my shower (thank you Jen!!). I can only hope that this will help with the stretch marks. I know they say nothing helps and you are going to get them or not...but I like to think that my efforts are going to make a difference! My mom didn't get any stretch marks with my sister or me. I got stretch marks on my thighs growing up. I was always one of the tallest kids and then one day stopped growing and everyone else passed me up. So I think they are a result of growing too fast. I just don't want them every where because I already am self conscious of the ones that I do have (although not really noticeable I am told).

So, I don't think it will be too much longer until I actually start looking like I am pregnant and not just carrying around a couple extra pitchers of beer in my stomach. Over the weekend, Eli told someone that I was four months pregnant and they didn't believe him and then started asking a ton of questions. It was funny. I have been starting to stock up on some "bigger" clothes, just larger sizes for now. All my winter warm stuff won't be lasting much longer, not to mention, I don't have much of it. I am enjoying getting some new things, just not the $$$ it takes to get them...ugh, I am so cheap.

That is all for now in the baby department until the belly shot on Thursday. Hope every one's week is going well so far.


Katie Marie said...


I drank a ton of water, used cocoa butter & vitamin e oil during the day and would split open vitamin e pills at night and spread that goop all over.

Yet I got stretch marks. It's ok though, I don't mind them.

Just Jiff said...

Yeah, I got a few stretch marks...and I don't care. It just reminds me of the months I was prego with my sweet, precious baby.

Megan said...

I cannot wait to hear what you're having!! It is so, so exciting. Glad to hear you're feeling great and all is going well for you, Steph! :)

Jayla'sMommy said...

Yay, how exciting, only one more week until you find out what you're having. Have you thought about names yet????
I was one of the lucky ones (and apparently few) who did not get any strechmarks at all even though my belly was HUGE. My mom didn't have any either so maybe you get lucky too :)

Christy said...

When I was pregnant with Porgie, I faithfully applied lotion to my belly everyday. And I didn't get any stretch marks.

With Izzy, I only occasionally used lotion, and I got a TON of stretchmarks. So personally, I think lotion can help.

HM said...

It's not even my kid and I'm excited to find out what it is!! As for the itchy belly...I don't know if lotion helps stretch marks or not but I know it helps with the itchyness :)

Jodi said...

I get coo-coo for cocoa puffs every now and then. Love them. During Halloween hubby & I like Boo-Berry. Have you ever had that? OMG! So good.

I can't wait to see if you are having a boy or a girl. I'm so excited for you!

Jen said...

I can't wait to hear what you're having!! I swear the Vitamin E oil WORKS!

Laura Marchant said...

Oh how fun feeling the baby. I remember the first time I felt my daughter I thought a goldfish was swimming around :-)

Mrs. F said...

Oh the excitement of finding out what your new baby is going to be. I remember it well! I can't wait to hear the news!!