I was running late this morning and almost forgot to take the picture. Then I remembered my mom telling me that her friend said that she will be waiting for it and her friend is going through some really hard, sad stuff right now. Hopefully this cheers her day (when I email it that is!).
I can tell that it is definitely growing and taking on a different shape. The itching hasn't been too bad the last couple of days. It could be because I have been doing the Vitamin E oil after the shower and then lubing up with Cocoa Butter throughout the day. Some of my tighter pants on my not pregnant days are starting to get a LOT tighter. Not too tight that I can't wear them, but I am really noticing a difference. I don't know that I am ready to start buying bigger clothes yet!!!

I have been feeling a ton of movement. It has been so wonderful. There are so many times that I will be in the middle of a conversation and will have to stop mid-word or sentence just to take it in. I love it!!!! I drank orange juice yesterday morning and it was like crack for the little one. It was such an incredible feeling. 4 1/2 months already. Just about half way there. So insane!!! Eli and I have been talking a lot about names and I think we have decided on a girl name and are just trying to agree on a middle name. The boy name we are having a hard time with. The names I like, he doesn't like. There have only been a couple names he has liked that I have not liked at all and then the others I do like, just not as much as the one I like! :) I know we will figure it out and after Tuesday, we will know for sure what we are having and what kind of name we need. I can't wait!!!!!
First. Are you wearing 7 for all mankind Flynt jeans?
You totally have a belly. I give you about 4 weeks until it pops.
Awww, yeah you are definitely starting to show now :)
So exciting!!!!
Haha Jayla loved when I drank orange juice too and started going crazy ;)
Awww! What a cute belly!! OJ did it for Bayley too. It was awesome... I stopped mid-sentence too, to take it in. :)
Have you gotten the belly bands? You attach them to the front of your jeans (kind of like how your hand is there now) and you can wear your non-maternity jeans longer.
You look so sweet...I can't wait til you get a BIG BELLY and are waddling. lol
I see a pregnant belly! So exciting!
You look so cute! Can't wait to hear the big news on Tuesday! :)
SO ADORABLE! Love the belly! Can't wait to hear the news!
So exciting. I cannot believe how quickly time is flying.
you are 19 weeks & still in "regular" clothes?
funny about your friend's boyfriend.!!!!
Wow, Multi-tasking Mama really knows her jeans, doesn't she!
How adorable is your pooch? Sooo adorable!
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