I swear, time is flying. Thursdays come before I know it. But I have grown to love them. I get excited to take the next picture and compare it to the last. There is really starting to be a big difference. This bean is definitely growing and I am confident that I am doing my part by eating healthy and being very active. So many of my family members are in shock at how I the weekends come and I am constantly on the go. I love it though. It makes me feel good. This weekend will be a bit more mellow. We will be in town, however I do have plans. I am just hoping to at least sleep in one of the days!!

This isn't the greatest shot, but I was running late this morning and the other one I took didn't really turn out good at all. I think I need to start using my actual camera instead of my cell phone. I usually just don't feel like running downstairs to get it. I am getting excited that my belly is getting bigger although is a weird feeling at the same time. I am not used to looking down and seeing my tummy poking out. My head boss was super cute today. He rubbed my belly and said, "Wow, you can tell there is something now." Next thing you know, he comes in my office and tapes a note on my stomach that said, "Quiet please, there is a baby cooking." Too cute. Everyone at work is super excited and supportive. They are always asking how I am feeling and how I am doing. But they are worried about what is going to happen with me being out on leave.
I am still feeling great. I have to say that I am starting to feel more pregnant. The movement of the baby is still there. It is still faint, but still such an amazing feeling. I can't wait for the bigger movements. Next week is my 17 week appointment. I am looking forward to it. I just wish that I were getting an ultrasound. Less than a month though...I keep telling myself that. I am happy that I will get to hear the little bean's heartbeat again. I am just so excited to know that I have a child growing inside me. A child that is a bit of me and a bit of Eli. It is so insane to know that everything that I do and don't do affects the life that is growing. Puts a lot of pressure on you.
Sorry I didn't post this morning. Work is out of control busy. I was there at 6am and still didn't get a chance to get to everything.
Steph - definitely this week you can see a difference. AWWWW!!! How ADORABLE!! You must be so ecstatic. I am very happy for you & Eli. You can see your little bean is growing (and cooking).
OMG!! You popped this week! For the first time, I think you look really pregnant. You look AMAZING, gorgeous Mama-to-Be! :) xoxo
Oh yeah, you definitely are showing! Awesome!
I love what your boss said. When people used to ask me what I was doing I would say "just baking a baby".
Your bump is ready to pop, I can tell.
Baby Walker had a growth spurt. Pretty soon those jeans will not fit and the joys of elastic will come upon you. =)
Bake that baby girl, and ENJOY that energy you have!
WOW, and big change.... LOVE it, I so look forward to your posts after Thurs, so I can see the lil bean!
Yep= that's about how I looked at 17 weeks! : )
There's definitely a little bump there now!! Too cute!
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