Wednesday, February 7, 2007


I was sitting here at work and was having the hardest time keeping my eyes open and wishing with all my heart that I could be at home in my bed taking a nap. Seriously, for the last week (probably even more), I find myself dragging ass through the day. So I finally sat back and started questioning why I am so tired (yes, Shannon, I know I work a lot, but it isn't all that!). This is what I came up with when looking back from just Friday.

Friday: work from 8-5 for the State, rush straight to the restaurant to serve, get off late.
Saturday: get up early and go look at houses, go straight to work until late.
Sunday: get up and be to work by 8:30, go to GREAT Superbowl party, then dinner with the roommate and a friend at Bully's, go to bed at or after midnight.
Monday: work 8-5, had a friend gathering right after, everyone go to the Tide for dinner, go to bed around midnight.
Tuesday: work 8-5, have a work meeting at 8:30pm (which didn't start til 9:30) and lasted until 11, so again got to bed late.

That's right friends. I don't get enough sleep. It is official when thinking about how many nights I don't go to bed until midnight, go all damn day, get no rest and then get up early and do it all over again. So me being tired is somewhat justified.

Then I started thinking. What should I change?? Should I not work so much? Ya, that could work, but really, I feel like the work schedule is pretty good right now. Should I just not do things after work? No, cause then I really wouldn't see anyone and wouldn't have a social life. So it looks like, I will continue doing everything, getting little sleep, and being able to fall asleep withing 30 seconds. On a brighter note, my plan for Saturday is to sleep in as long as I can. Hell, I don't think I am going to get out of my bed for the simple fact that I love my bed and just want to curl up in it for a whole day. That is my plan.

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