Monday, February 26, 2007

The roommate is driving me crazy!

Here is an update on the roommate situation that was actually going fairly well. I think a lot of it had to do with me just not letting things bother me like they used to. For example, I wouldn't get upset when she would wake up when she got home even if it was happening at least three times a week. I wasn't getting annoyed with her for not cleaning. Instead, I cleaned and told her what she needed to do to help out, which she did half assed and I let go. She on the other hand is petty and about fried my damn ass yesterday. I haven't bitched about anything and the only thing I have asked from her is to park in our covered parking when it is cold enough that it will frost over or is going to snow so I am not having to leave ten minutes early just to scrape my windows and defrost my truck. To me, I don't think it is much to ask especially since I leave at 7:30am and she doesn't ever leave the house before 10:30am and by that time, it is warm enough that frost is not ice and that's if it is still frosted!

So I was at my tournament yesterday and I get a text randomly with her bitching about me not leaving the mail key while I was out of town. Really? It is Sunday and mail doesn't come on Sunday's. Not to mention, she doesn't get shit in the mail and I have been checking the fucking mail every single day. I wrote her a next time message back along those lines but said that I would leave the key from now on. I don't know what was so pressing but she hasn't asked for it today at all. Her text messages were just rude so I asked her why she felt the need to rip my ass. She said she was just frustrated about some things and just keeps it inside. I couldn't believe it. What the hell could she possibly be upset with me for. All of everything is in my name. She has no responsibility, she pretty much has the house to herself since I am never here, and I have kept everything inside that has even bothered me at all. Due to my curiosity, I asked her what was bothering her. Man, did I feel like I was back in high school with how our text conversation went from there. She played the whole, "Just 'stuff' is bothering me, I don't want to talk about it right now (the why the fuck did you bring it up in the first place!?!!?), I'll tell you but right now I am busy," and so on. So I dropped it. I went and coached a match and got back to my phone and there were eight text messages from her, all completely full and running on to the next.

This pretty much sums up her issues (and then I will explain my point):
-me parking under the covered parking
-me bitching about frost and snow when I have 4-wheel drive
-all I need to do is warm up my car and turn on my windshield wipers
-I act like I don't give a shit about the cats, even though she knows they are naughty
-I stress about mess and trash and she doesn't see the point in stressing about it
-I didn't take a box of trash out before I left for Cali
-I didn't get litter before I left to Cali and it would have taken me 5 minutes
-I ripped her ass for the hole in her wall, but my friend hasn't come through to fix it
(yes, I just went through the texts to pull out all of this...)

I couldn't believe it. She is bitching about such petty shit. Instantly I wanted to rip her fucking head off, but instead, I took a breath and tried to be rational and explained myself.

1) I only want to park in the covered parking because I don't want to leave early. It has nothing to do with 4-wheel drive.
*again, she leaves at 11 in the morning and I leave early when it is ice. Not to mention, she doesn't know shit about snow or scraping cars...she is from fucking HAWAII!!!!!
2) It isn't as easy as turning on your windshield wipers in the morning. You actually have to scrape the shit off your car because it freezes. I think I would know, I have lived here my whole life.
3) At this point, I don't give a shit about the cats. I want them gone. They are breaking my shit and ruining things and it is my name on the lease and my deposit money I am watching drain, not to mention the shit that is getting broken.
4) Yes, I do stress about trash and mess because I live here and I don't like living with shit and garbage freaking everywhere. I don't think that is so un-normal.
*do I have to mention, this is my place and she is renting the room from me?*
5) You're right, I didn't take the box of trash out even though I was parked next to the dumpster, but again, I was in a hurry to get out of town due to a winter storm warning and that wasn't on my mind at the time.
6) I didn't get litter, but I was working a full day and I let you know well ahead of time that I wasn't going to get to it. It's not like I didn't say anything, she got home and noticed and had to go get it. Plus, she had ample time to shop for everything else, that couldn't have been out of her way. Again, I was on my way out of town.
7) As for the hole in her wall, that really isn't my problem. I am not the one that put the fucking picture frame through it and I am not going to go out of my way just to get it fixed at this point. I will however have someone look at it, but it will be on my time at this point.

Seriously, she just frustrates the shit out of me. I don't get how she has the balls to rip my ass about anything. The more I think about it, the more I realize how out of line she is for complaining about anything at all. She is renting a room from me. Her name is no where on the lease. It isn't her money for the deposit, it is mine. She is the one that is here more than me and yet it is all my stuff (furniture, dishes, bath stuff, etc). I don't know. I think that I will be moving out of my place in a month and with that, I will give her 30 days notice because she won't be coming with me. I am just done and don't want to deal with the bullshit anymore. And that is that for now.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I totally understand what you mean about roommates driving me crazy. I have FOUR of them! It was definitely a long/hard transition when I moved in to Erick's house because I had been living by myself for so long. But everyone has since made adjustments and now we have quite the happy little family. However, I think it is normal to be irritated by roommates at our age. We are at the point where we just want to live in our own house with our own stuff and do things our OWN WAY! Yep! I totally know where you are coming from... Our roommates are getting kicked out in the next year or so. I will probably miss them, but oh well.