Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Well Shit

Guess what?

Didn't go walk with mom. I got held up at work late and was still planning on going. I left her a message I would be a little late and she called back leaving a message saying that she would rather not do it tonight. She had a plethora of excuses: long day at work, stressful, tired, sore, feels like getting a sore throat. Oh well. Guess I will have to wait til Sunday to see her, but at least then I will get to see my dad and sister too. Gosh it has been too freaking long.

I probably should have took my happy ass to the gym today since mom couldn't make it. Should being the opportune word. I definitely didn't. Instead, Eli and I went out to dinner with his parents. Just what I needed. I wonder how many times I should run (literally) up and down the hall at work tomorrow to burn all them calories??? A lot, too many to think of and to get away with at work.

Maybe I should try to be one of those crazy people that gets up at 4am to go work out before going to work. I used to do that back when I was still going to college and working almost 40 hours a week. I lived far from the gym though and didn't like getting ready there at all. Now, I live about ten minutes away and really could still be able to get ready at home. Huh...something to think about.

Right now though I am so tired, I am going to put on a movie and curl myself up to Eli and snuggle. That is the only thing that sounds remotely good. I need some sleep...I am definitely tired and just a little bit cranky!


kat said...

I could never do the "get up at 4a.m. to exercise" thing though I would desperately have to.

Hope you find something that you have fun with.

Princess Consuela Banana Hammock said...

working out before work ... is impossible. for me at least. there is no way i can kick my own ass hard enough to actually do it. although i have said i would do it more than once and have yet to follow through.