Thursday, January 31, 2008

Still Kickin'

I am totally still here, but have been so crazy busy that the thought of blogging is just out of the question. Even right now, I shouldn't be taking even the couple minutes that I am to just check in, but I am. I don't want any of you thinking that I fell off the planet or something.

Nope, still here, still kicking and just busy as ever. I don't have any down time at work right now. It is kind of nice having work to do and being busy all the time, but I do miss a little down time where I am able to blog about random things with me or read other blogs. I did start writing a post the other day and the stupid thing got erased some how. The damn auto save thing wasn't working and it just pissed me off. I didn't even re-write the post or anything. Now I don't even remember what it was that I was writing about. Oh well.

Anyway, have to get back to work. I will try to write some more later or at least tomorrow.

1 comment:

Just Jiff said...

Whew! I was beginning to wonder what happened!! Glad you checked in.