Saturday, January 17, 2009

Saturday 9 - The First Apartment

1. Where had you moved from?
I had been back at my parents house after being out for a bit and was beyond ready to be on my own again.

2. Describe your first apartment.
It was perfect. It was a one bedroom, one bath. It was not too big, but not too small. Cozy. A very cute floor plan. The room was a good size and so was the bathroom. The only thing that I wasn't happy about was that it was downstairs, but I was able to move to an upstairs when one came available.

3. How old were you when you had your apartment?
I was 23 when I moved in.

4. Did you have roommates? If yes, tell us more.
No, I did it on my own. At the time I had a boyfriend who was living at home with mommy. He thought I was nuts for doing it on my own. I couldn't have been more happy with what I was doing for myself.

5. What was your place of employment then?
I worked at the University.

6. How were you finances at the time?
Decent. Didn't have too many bills at all.

7. Tell us about a lover who spent a night there.
The boyfriend that I had when I moved in there never actually stayed with me. Pretty crazy huh? That is because I dumped his ass. It was so liberating. It wasn't until I moved into the upstairs that I had a guy stay...ML...oh how that boy drove me nuts and I was so stupid where he was concerned!

8. Tell us about a band you listen to then. (You can cheat. Look it up.)
I didn't listen to anyone in particular. I just listened to whatever suited my mood at the time!

9. How long did you live there and why did you move from there?
I lived in that apartment complex just under a year. From there, I moved into a two bedroom condo that was cheaper and bigger, but the location wasn't near as nice.

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