For weeks now, if not longer, we have been planning a big camping trip with Eli's parents...which was also a part
celebration for Eli's dads birthday that was yesterday. The kids have been anxiously waiting and were beside themselves with excitement when they found out Friday afternoon that we were in fact leaving first thing Saturday morning. Both of them were ready for bed at 6pm so they were "rested" for Saturday. Didn't work out that way, but it was cute listening to them talk about it. They were both big helps when it came to packing. They were also big eaters because they wanted their "energy" for camping.
Saturday morning they both woke up in fabulous moods. They hurried up and got dressed, brushed their teeth and were ready to hit the road. We anticipated the weather being cooler and were surprised when it wasn't cool at all during the day. It was hot! Man, a cool breeze would have felt wonderful on Saturday. We spent a little bit of time getting camp set up and then we all loaded up and were off for a ride out in the country. The kids rode with Papa and Grandma in the "Willy Jeep". You could hear their laughter from a mile away. They had an absolute blast.

They were all smiles. The bumpier the rode, the more
squeals you could hear. Poor Papa and Grandma...

We were out for a couple hours cruising around and we came to this one canyon. I am so enthralled with pictures like the following and how there is just randomly a splash of color on a mountain side. Look how beautiful!

After the long ride, I took Seth and
Swae for a ride on the quad.
Swae is all about "driving". Well, when the boy gets tired, he sacks out while on the quad, so most of the ride he missed due to snoozing. Look how freaking cute he is all sacked out.

He was tuckered out! What a sweet precious face that is!

The kids were out exploring and Eli and his dad decided to participate. Up on this hill they were able to throw rocks down into the creek. The bigger the rock, the bigger the splash and the bigger laughs and yells we heard from the kids.

Eli, being the adventurous one that he is, caught a lizard (you can't really see it). The kids thought this was the coolest thing ever.

There were all sorts of quad rides. Seth loves going with his daddy...can't you tell from his face?
haha, look at him with the goggles on! He cracks me up.

After dinner the kids still hadn't had enough rides, so Eli and I took them on one last ride for the day.

Look how beautiful the sky was!! The rest of the night was spent around the camp fire roasting marshmallows and eating
s'mores. There were no fights when we said it was bed time either. They were all exhausted and slept great. I wish I would have gotten pictures of them all bundled up in their sleeping bags. There was no way they would get cold!

The next morning was super chilly to start off with. By the time breakfast was done, the sun was out, the breeze had died down and it was starting to get warm. Sunday also dawned Papa's birthday. Here are the babies with the birthday boy!
Sethie giving Papa big birthday loves.

We decided to break camp before it got to hot and also just get it done so we could have the rest of the day to go on rides and get back to town. Seth was quite the helper loading up.

Here are his "guns" to prove it. (and look at the face!...CLASSIC)
Swae getting in on picture time, BUT not wanting to show her guns. She didn't want to show up her brother! :)

And here is me and the sweet boy on our last ride of the day. He is so much fun!

The weekend was excellent. We all had a great time and were filthy dirty to prove it! The kids have already made requests to go camping more. There are more pictures from the weekend, but they are on Eli's moms camera.
I hope everyone else had a great weekend! Happy Monday All!
Looks like you all had a blast! What adorable children!
Happy Monday!
Looks like you had a fun weekend. Great pics :)
It looks like you guys had so much fun!!!!!
Aww, looks like you all had a great time! Sounds like alot of fun.
Looks like you guys had a great time! Love the last pic!
Should he be sleeping next to gun? I don't think that is safe.
Anonymous, we are not stupid and the gun wasn't loaded. Rest assured, the kids were safe and so was he. Not only that, I was sleeping next to him until I took that picture.
What a fun filled weekend!
I lvoe camping! That looks like so much fun!
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