Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Can't Believe I Forgot!

Over the last weekend, Eli and spent all our time together. We did the most random things since we had no plans for once and just did anything and everything that we wanted to do. It was so nice and we really had a great time together. I have never been with someone before that I was able to spend so much time with and not get tired of them or get annoyed. It is the opposite with him and I. It makes me want more time.

On Sunday, we went shooting at the Gun Club and then went to BJ's with his parents. I had mentioned to him earlier in the day that I wanted to stop by Target and pick up a new purse. I am just sick of the little one I have been carrying around and was ready for something a little bigger and wasn't about to go spend a shit ton of money on one. I was ok settling for a cheap purse for now. After lunch we get in the truck and he says, "You still want to get that new purse?" Of course I say yes. And that is when I was told he was taking me to the Coach store where I best find something I liked since I didn't the last time we went in there. I looked at him like he was an alien! My response to him was something along the lines of, "Honey, there is a big difference between $20 and $300. Let's just go to Target." I lost that battle. I had no choice but to go in the Coach store. (I hated every minute of it...hahaha) Now, last time he took me in there, I did a very good job not to let him see me linger on any purse for too long and therefore was able to walk out of the store without a new purse. I tried doing the same thing on Sunday, but no such luck. The sneaky thing saw the one that caught my eye and I couldn't lie to him about liking the damn thing. I truly did try to talk him out of getting it, but I lost and I ended up walking out of the store with my pretty new purse in hand. It is oh so beautiful. I will have Shannon help me and put up a picture of it tomorrow for sure.

I love being spoiled and loved!! =)


Lindz said...

Coach is my ultimate weakness. Except I go to the outlet which derails a little of the guilt I feel when I drop over $100 on a purse. Can't wait to see pics lucky girl.

Anonymous said...

Awww...that is a very sweet story! I'm happy for you now let's see the purse :)

Lainey-Paney said...

...I love being spoiled like that too.


angie said...

You are definitely spoiled!!

Jen said...

OMG I am soo jealous! Everytime III say something about wanting a new purse (and granted I do not really have inexpensive taste) Erick always asks me if there isn't a backpack downstairs I can use?! He is so retarded...