Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Still. I am so over being sick and not being able to breath like a normal person out my nose. I am tired of talking funny and tired of sneezing. I have been sneezing all damn day!!!! I just hope that I am able to kick this cold soon because I am more than over it.

Oh and do I have a rant that I will be posting on the Hidden Blog about something that happened last night...and no, nothing to do with Eli, the kids, or anything like that. It's something else and I would really like some advice on what to do or how to think because right now, I am left feeling...very...deflated on the situation. Everything else is great though, other than being sick.

Ok, back to work!


Lainey-Paney said...

I have a cold too.
it's sucky & yucky.

Anonymous said...

Feel better! You too Lainey!

Have you every tried Zicam, it helped me shorten my cold last year.