Thursday, March 8, 2007

Cutting back

I have finally hit a point where volleyball is just too much for me on top of my other two jobs. Don't get me wrong, it is something that I love and truly enjoy, but it just doesn't fit at this time in my life. I don't ever have any time for me. I am working a full normal work week, 8 hours on Sundays, and then 3 nights a week after my normal job. And that is before volleyball. Coaching allows me to have one, maybe two nights off a week if I am lucky. It is something that is going to be so hard for me to give up, but I know that I need to for me. Sounds selfish, but it really isn't. I need time to do the little things like hang out with my friends, go to the gym, relax for an hour, maybe even watch some TV, and anything else that blows my skirt up for the day. It sucks that it comes down to me not coaching, but the money just isn't there. And right now, I am trying to get things paid off and do all that I can so I can buy a house and I need to be making money. That is why cutting out the serving job isn't an issue due to the fact that I make in one night what I make in a month of coaching. I don't know. I hope it is the right choice. Yes, I will miss it. I love my girls, but I need to look out for me for once and not everyone else. Now I just have to find the balls to tell the head coach...

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