Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I've Fallen Hard

Last night as I was laying in bed listening to Eli sleep away, it hit me. I am head over heels in love and I am thrilled about it. I remember wondering if I would ever be that happy girl that I had seen. And now that I have it, I am beyond words with how I feel about it.

In the last year that Eli and I have been together, we have had to over come many hurdles. At the time they seemed terrible and now looking back, I am thankful for each and every one of them. Because of each obstacle, we have learned more about each other, gained even more respect, become even stronger together knowing that we can get through tough times, and fallen even more in love. Our relationship is far from perfect, but what relationship is. All relationships have their down times and it is how you handle them and over come them that makes you stronger and better. Between the two of us, we have really made some great changes for the better.

I am not sure what it was that made me think of any of this, but all I know is I literally laid in bed, with him curled up next to me and I was over flowing with happiness and love. I love that we are best friends. We can sit and laugh over the littlest things and we have the best time just being together. We are never tired of each other and I am never bored with him and the same goes for him with me. To this day, I still get excited each and every time I see him or get a cute message from him. I still love everything about him and am falling for him more and more every day which I didn't believe was possible.

I am thankful for all the past relationships that I had because they paved the road and led me to where I am now. I am thankful for all the learning experiences that him and I have been through because I know without a doubt that we can make it through anything. We will always be by each others side and I couldn't ask for anything more. I am over come and overwhelmed with love and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. I am so thankful that he and his two beautiful children are in my life and I am grateful for all they have added. I am a better person because of them.


Shawna said...

Isn't love great?

So happy for you.

H said...

aww congrats!!! It is definitly amazing feeling to find not only someone you can love, but your best friend!!! I think for alot of us girls..having your lover actually be your best friend too...is a rare experience!!

Cherish it all!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you!!!

I miss being that much in love with someone :)

Dyan said...

ahhh, that is wonderful.... SO happy for you... and I agree with you, I dont regret any of my previous relationships, cause it helped me learn about how to be in a stable, loving relationship and now I have a super one with Zach! YAY - next time Icome into town, I wanna see this fancy new place!!!