Friday, April 18, 2008

Little Moments

I love moments like the one that just happened right now. I am sitting here at work, catching up on stuff so that I am no longer behind and can just not stress anymore. I have up my iTunes radio and all of a sudden a song comes on the radio and for some reason I am smiling. At first I don't realize that I am smiling until the song registers in my head and then I smile bigger. It is a smile that reminds me of Swae. One that she can sing every single word to. Just hearing the song, I can hear her little voice singing it in my head. Makes me miss her and Seth. But it is so nice to know that a simple song can remind you they are in your heart.

Also, she knows the words to MANY songs. And she will bust them out better than anyone else. Today was nice because I was just realizing how tired I was getting and how quiet it was with everyone else gone. So her little presence was much needed.

1 comment:

kat said...

Sometimes these little moments of 'light' sneak up on us and pleasantly surprise us.