Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I Feel Good

So my mom and sister have been training for marathons. My mom did a half marathon in Chico and then my sister and her did one in Fernley last Saturday. When my mom started training, she started at three miles. She asked me to do it at the time, but I wasn't so sure about it. Don't get me wrong, I love running, but I was super busy doing a ton of other things. Then my sister got into it and the first time she did, she went eight miles. I guess she did great too at the half marathon on Saturday. She took second in her age group. My mom and I started talking about it last week some time and she asked me again if I would at least try it out. She knows that I have been talking about getting back in my grove but haven't really gotten it and she was just my push.

I showed up tonight thinking that I would only be doing six miles. That to me was still a lot in my eyes. Not to mention, I was up at 4:30 this morning and at work at 6. And my day was absolutely crazy and out of control. I didn't even take a lunch. I munched while I was working. The only thing I did was put up the couple blogs that I did because the pictures were too fun not to share. Come 4 this afternoon, I was dead tired. The only thing that I wanted to do was go to sleep. But I told myself that I could knock out six miles AND then I could rest. HAHAH! My mom had something else in store for me. Her group that she is training with was doing TWELVE miles tonight and she some how talked me into going with her group. I know, I am crazy.

Truthfully, it wasn't that bad. I think the hardest part was that it was cold out, so that makes your muscles tense up easy. It was awesome though. We didn't actually do the twelve miles, just TEN. I do have to say that by the end of the ten, I was ready to be done. It is definitely something that I want to keep doing. We walked at an extremely fast pace most of the time, but we would run too. It was nice. My sister and I stayed together the whole time. It was awesome doing something with my mom and sister and it being something that is healthy. The group is going again on Saturday, but I don't think I will be able to make it because I have to work. I can't say I am too disappointed since they are doing eighteen miles, but kind of wish I could do it just to say I did. But then again, I think it might be good to drop in miles for the next time before doing another day of high miles.

So that is that. I am going to start training regularly. I don't know if I am for sure going to do a full marathon, but I am definitely considering doing the half ones. I believe that there is one in Reno that is coming up in May that I am going to look into. I can't wait for the weather to get better so that it's not freezing and I don't have to be bundled up!! Oh and I have a feeling that I could be pretty sore tomorrow...

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