Thursday, May 10, 2007


**This post will probably make no sense at all.**

I have never been one to keep everything in my life secret. Usually I like to share things that I would keep secret with Kara and some times Tara. But lately...I have actually been keeping a secret. It is such a new feeling to me. It is weird not sharing what is going on, but I am enjoying going through this one thing on my own. Figuring it out, figuring my feelings out, not having other people's opinions influence me whatsoever. It is nice. I know Kara doesn't judge me or anything and I know that she supports me no matter what I do, but I just feel that this is something I want to do. And my other friends seem to be so set in their ways and so opinionated that I can't even imagine sharing with them. That doesn't mean they are bad friends or anything, its just the truth.

I don't know why I decided to keep this one thing to myself. I am usually such an open book and don't mind sharing anything (for the most part) about myself. And usually I talk to people about things that are going on, people that I am talking to, or anything else because I love their input and I love getting advice. More than anything, I like just sharing what is going on in my life. I don't like keeping secrets. That is one thing that I love about my friendships, especially with Kara...we tell each other everything. We know we can call each other and talk about absolutely anything and the other will just listen and be there. And when she gives me advice, I know she doesn't speak about how she would handle it, but thinks about me and the person that I am and gives advice on that basis.

So I don't know how long this whole keeping things to myself thing is going to last, but for the time being, it is working for me.


misguidedmommy said...

funny, sometimes secrets are good though.

Anonymous said...

you need a boyfriend... definitely!!

Megan said...

I say - good for you! Sometimes people comment on their friends' blogs and say things and I'm like - HOLY SHIT! I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY SAID THAT TO HIM/HER! Of course, sometimes I wish I could be so honest. But I also think you have to be sensitive to other people's feelings. If you make someone feel bad for what they write on their blog, eventually? They're going to stop writing. And I'd hate to see that happen to you because I really like your blog. So - keep your secret, I say! :)

angie said...

Talk about opening up Pandora's Box and then slamming it shut haha! Sounds like what you are doing is working well for you now so you better stick to will share when you feel the time is right!