Thursday, May 31, 2007

Random Rant

One of the things I hate more than just about anything is stupid ass selfish people. I really do. They drive me insane. I hate when people are so immature that they sink to levels that shouldn't ever be sunk to just to try to hurt someone else. And I really hate when someone you care about is being fucked with and there is nothing that you can do about it. I just wish that people would have enough class to be civil and handle situations like adults rather than play games. It is amusing though knowing that people get so worked up over something so small, petty, and just dumb and all it does it make them look like an ass. It makes me sit back and laugh and almost feel sorry for them.

I am talking right now about just one individual. This person is no longer a part of my life. And yet, this person is so miserable with their life that they will do and try anything to bring down other people just to make them feel better. It is so sad. It is like being back in high school almost.

And there is my random rant for the day.


Jen said...

Brutal. It sucks that you seem to be this person's personal target!! Not fun!

Stephanie said...

Oh it isn't me, it is at someone else. I just hate seeing it.

angie said...

I hate selfish people...I didn't even get to finish reading the blog because I had to stop there becuase my boyfriends' mom is the most selfish person!! and i don't like her today!