Tuesday, May 1, 2007


I decided on Sunday that I am going to give up drinking until May 25th. I was actually going to start the whole thing on Sunday, but realized that Monday is the better day to start something new, so I made sure to get my drinking out of the way. I know that it is definitely something that I can do because it is something that I want to do. And I don't think it will be all that hard. Yea, maybe at times like Cince de Mayo or Jen's birthday. But I know I will still have fun.

Me deciding not to was simply because it sounded like something good to do. There was no bet at all involved in it...until last night. Kylen made a bet with me that I couldn't go two weeks for the simple fact that there is a party we are supposed to go to on Saturday night and just because he said he is going to try like hell to get me to drink just because I said I won't. So all last night he was offering me beer and wine. But I held my ground and said no. In fact, it didn't even sound good last night. I guess it could've been that I didn't feel good. The bet is this:

If he wins: I have to wax his boat.

If I win: He has to detail the inside of my truck and wash and wax it.

All I can say is that I am super excited knowing how good my truck is going to look in two weeks!!!

1 comment:

Lindz said...

Good luck Steph! I've been through it before too only for other reasons. You can also think about the booze weight you are going to lose (not saying you need to) it's an additional perk! You can do it! Just find a substitute drink - fuzzy water or redbull. Then you can laugh at the other mo-fos with their hangovers and stupid stories while you drive around in your clean, detailed car!