Monday, June 11, 2007

I did it

I gave the restaurant my notice. Initially I had the intention of just saying I could only work a couple days DURING the week because working on weekends wasn't an option anymore. Keep in mind, this is after I put in an updated availability a few weeks ago stating that I can't work on Saturday's and that I only wanted two shifts a week. Oh and I had told them I couldn't close during the week because it made my days too long. So I went into work last Thursday and the managers had changed the schedule around and some how one of them was me closing...and yet, no one bothered to ask if that was ok or even tell me. Just did it. Fucking great. Not a good way to start off the night. So then I go and look at the schedule for this week and about freaked out. They scheduled me: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday night AND all day on Sunday. Seriously? Who fucking does that? That was when I realized I couldn't work there anymore. I didn't want it to come to that because I truly like serving. I like the people and it is easy money.

So I talked to one of the owners and she told me that I had to work this Saturday. And I told her that I put in my availability change awhile ago and that I had plans on Saturday that I couldn't and wouldn't change. I feel bad, but I knew when I told them I could and couldn't work and that is why I planned to go to the rodeo with my friends. It is a group thing and I am not going to change every body else's schedule just because of that. I felt horrible giving my notice, but I just don't think it is going to work out. I need more time for me. Not to mention, now that I have someone in my life that I want to spend time with, I don't want to be up working. It was alright when I was single and doing my own thing. But things are different now.

Now here is where I am having a dilemma. I am scheduled to work on Sunday which is Father's Day. Normally I wouldn't mind. But I have worked every holiday since I have been working there. I pulled a double on New Year's Eve, worked all day on Easter, and all day on Mother's Day. I want to spend time with my dad. But really, that is going to be a hard day for me in general. The 17th marks 1 year since my Papa passed away. I was talking to my mom about it this morning and started crying. I know I am going to be a wreck. First of all, I can't believe that it has been a year, but to have to work and see all the grandpa's that come in to the restaurant will just rip out my heart. And it would take one person doing or saying one thing and I would either flip or have a serious break down. I just don't want to have to deal with it. I just don't know how I am going to tell them I can't work it. Any suggestions??

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