Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Just For You Lindz

I don't know how far along I am. I would say between 6-8 or something like that, but will know more when I go to the doctor in two weeks. I do know I am very bloated and a little stopped up. I feel great. I get tired a lot, but I can live with that. I am still super blessed not having any morning sickness or anything. So that is great. I have noticed that my boobs are killing me! I am not used to this at all. My little itty bitty's never have felt like this. Hugs even hurt! It's crazy. I ran down the hall the other day and almost died. I found myself grasping for my mosquito bites to make sure they made as little movement as possible! I had a couple co-workers get a good chuckle watching me.


misguidedmommy said...

hey, your boobs are huge in china right

Anonymous said...

AWWWW!!! The first pic! How cute!

Itty Bittys...I love that term! You are too cute!

Megan said...

Congratulations on the engagement and baby news! That is a lot to take in! You are lucky you have no morning sickness yet. Mine started at 6 weeks and lasted till around 15 weeks...It was awful! Your boobs will go through so many changes..I swear my husband and I don't recognize them! =)

angie said...

Yay for the first belly pic!! I'm excited to watch that little baby grow!!

Just Jiff said...

awww!! You are gonna have a belly soon!! I can't wait!!

And the boob pain goes away eventually...

Megan said...

You look great! :)