Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Stress...NO MORE!

I found my camera. THANK GOODNESS!!! Ugh, I was freaking out like a crazy person. Want to know where I found it?? Skylar's diaper bag. The same stupid bag that I looked in TWICE before. So annoying right? That's alright, at least I have it and now I can focus on other things other than what pictures I lost.

Things like....

*posting pictures from before the wedding

*posting pictures of Seth's 4th birthday

*writing about my first night out SANS child...that's right, Skylar got babysat for a night

*no, not the whole night, just half of it

*writing about how I thought I was a rockstar the night we were out

*about the massive hangover I had the ENTIRE next day

You know, interesting stuff that will make you think I am nuts. Please be assured Skylar was well taken care of and was so happy to be back with her mommy. I guess she wouldn't take the bottle from my mom which is crazy since she has taken a bottle TONS of times.


Katie Marie said...

The first time leaving them with a sitter is the hardest. Now that you know she will be fine maybe you and your husband can have a date night every once in a while.

Alicia W. said...

Ahhhh Yeah! So happy that you found it. :)

He & Me + 3 said...

So glad that you found it. I knew you would.

Just Jiff said...

You know, I lost my camera in Bayley's diaper bag before too. And I looked twice too. Ugh. Glad you found it!

It took me a year before I left Bayley with a sitter. And I texted every 20 mins...while I was in a movie. LOL.

Stephanie said...

Okay I'm jealous now...mine needs to be found. It'll never happen....that was years ago and it's obviously gone forever :)

Megan said...

Don't ya know that diaper bags eat things....If I loose something that is the first place I go. All those little pockets are bad for all the little stuff there is to loose. Hope you are doing well, Skylar is so beautiful!