Thursday, September 6, 2007

My Injections

So, I went in for my injections last night. I have been nervous about them since I made the appointment last week. My mom was super cute and actually met me there just because she didn't want me to be there alone. It wasn't that I could do it alone, but that she just wanted to be there to support me. I thought that was sweet. Eli would have been there, but couldn't make it since he was working out of town. Anyhow, I got there on time and ended up having to sit in my room for over 45 minutes before my doctor came in. Normally I am very impatient, but knowing that pain that was coming and having a chance to sit there and talk with my mom was nice.

The doctor came in and before he would even do the injections, he started talking about epidurals. I don't know why, but just talking about them scares me. He said that with as many injections as I have gotten and depending how long the ones I got yesterday lasted would depend on whether or not I needed to take the epidural route he has been pushing for the last two and a half years. He started putting pressure on different areas of my back and took a step back and looked at me and he said, "You sure did wait until it got to where you couldn't handle it. Maybe next time don't let it get so bad." Then walked out to get the shots and everything ready. The needles are fucking huge. I am not a big fan of needles. Its not that I am scared to get normal shots or my blood drawn or anything, I just don't like the whole thought of needles sticking in my body.

After another ten or so minutes, he was back in and pressing on my neck to determine where I was going to get poked. He found the two worst parts on my neck, the two worst in my shoulder blade area that was affecting my mid-upper back, and then the two that were the worst in my lower back that were affecting not just my back but my hips as well. He started with the left shoulder blade. The poke of the needle doesn't hurt, it is the freaking crap that is pumped into me that burns like a bitch. I swear, it sucks super ass bad. It is so hard not to tense up and keep breathing, but if you don't, then it hurts that much more. Its just a shit situation. Anyhow, the then moved to the left side of my neck...that one hurt a little more. It was now the right upper side. Holy shit did I want to pass the fuck out. I can handle pain. But my right upper neck was one of the worst I got. I was so tight and inflamed that he had a hard time pushing the medicine into me. Then it was my back. And I will tell you those are the ones that seem to bother me the most. I don't know why but in the past my back will spasm uncontrollably and my knees buckle. I have to stand up and bend over with my ables on the table for him to give them. So he did the left side since that side seemed to be easier for me and since my neck was just rough. Then the right side. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My back wouldn't stop spasming, my knees buckled, and it took me FOREVER to get the medicine in.

I was so happy it was over, but at the same time, I was still in pain. I only got six shots this time (last time it was eight), but I think they were more general to help with exactly what the pain has been. The shots already have relaxed the muscles and the pain, but I am still very sore from where I got them. It goes away though after a few days. I just hope it lasts for awhile. I was told that depending how long these shots help me will depend whether they will even bother giving me the shots again. My doctor is dead set the epidural for my neck and back are the way to go. He didn't say anything about a chiropractor at all. Just therapy. So that is the update. I should be good hopefully by this weekend.


Jen said...

Ewww that SUCKS!!! At least it is OVER! Yeah not surprised your doctor didn;t say anything about a chiropractor- he never will because chiropractors aren't actual medical doctors I don't think... they are ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE types.

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you. I can't imagine the pain. I hope they bring you some relief.

misguidedmommy said...

ooooooooh now i get it. my mom and grams get the epidurals not just the shots must be why they last a little longer aha...hope you feel better babe

angie said...

I hate shots with a passion! Hopefully they help this time and they stay for a while...I would be scared shitless if I had to get one as an epidural...that word just scares me!