Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Begin Tangent

While blogging is so wonderful in so many different ways, there are some people that always seem to rain on the parade.

Blogging has been an absolutely amazing experience for me. My entire life I have had a journal and written down things that were on my mind and needed to be worked through. I loved writing and found it so therapeutic. Then I got into blogging. It has been an even better experience for me. Not only am I able to get things out, I have a network of blogging friends, people that can relate and have even been in the same situation before. It is nice to know that you aren't alone. It is nice to have so many others that are able to offer up some advice or just be there for support.

I write about everything. I have had to some what censor things on this blog due to certain people reading it that I would rather not and a situation that happened with my last job. I learned a lot. I learned to be careful what I say. I realized that what I am putting out there anyone could find. And for that reason, I have a private blog. This way I am still able to get out what I need to and I don't have to worry about people reading that have no business. I have learned not to say names, not to talk shit about someone unless I would say it to their face or already have. I am the type of person that is able to tell someone when I have a problem with them. I am the type of person that appreciates when other people have the courage to come to me and be honest when they have a problem with me. I hate cowards. I think it is shallow when people bash others to make themselves feel better, constantly slam others (apparently I am a backstabbing bitch, hehe) get the point.

I don't use my blog as a place to slam other people. I don't use my blog as a means of shit talking. I don't use my blog as anything other than a journal space. A space to share life stories. Some are good, some are bad. I use it as a place to come and vent about frustrations in my life - to get things out so that I am able to move on from them. I don't dwell on things. It is a miserable way to live life and I refuse to live that way. I want to surround myself with positive things, positive feelings. The quicker I get the negative out, the better. Since I have been doing this, I have been happier. I don't hang onto things and I feel better.

It amazes me when people can go back through old posts and assume that they are being talked about. I know that every blogger reading this is nodding their head and knowing exactly what I am talking about. It happens all the time. I know I have been guilty of it - I have read a post and been like, "Wow, I hope she wasn't talking about me..." But then I remember that this is a big world. I realize that other person has many other people in their lives other than me and figure that if someone did have a problem with me, they would come to me. More people should have this take. I have had NUMEROUS people read things and assume I was talking about them. It is so annoying especially when it had nothing to do with them and when they get their panties in a bunch for no reason. However, I have had respect for the people that have come to me to ask if what I wrote was about them. Again, more people should try this.

If you have come to my blog to search for something to hold against me, please don't waste your time. Figure out something else to do with your time. I am not using this as a place for drama. I am not in high school and not about to play little games. Unless I say your name, please don't assume that I am talking about you. And please don't get upset about something I write if I have already said it to you. Also, I ask anyone to please come to me if you think I am bashing you in anyway before jumping to the conclusion that I am writing about you. We are all adults here.

End tangent.


Jane said...

Get it out girl, sometimes you just got to vent! Feel better, and let's see new shots of that adorable baby girl of yours!!!

Katie Marie said...

I just assume that I am who you are talking about whenever you talk about someone being funny, nice, amazing etc.

Am I wrong??

People can be stupid, just keep letting it roll off your back. You can't make everyone happy and you shouldn't have to.

He & Me + 3 said...

I have only read pleasant posts over here. I enjoy your blog...don't let a few spoil your fun. They have the problem not you. Nice to get that off your chest though huh?

Megan said...

Will you email me your address to your private blog again? I can't find! :) xoxo

Stephanie said...

You go girl!!!!!! Love ya :)

Just Jiff said...

I am not special or popular enough to have this problem. lol.

But like Katie said... I assume when you talk about wonderful, amazing, incredible people you are talking about me. LOL.

Mrs. F said...

Oh, I am with Jiff, I am not special or popular enough to have this problem, but I feel for you. That sucks big time. Blogs are online journals. Meant to be your own space to get things out.
Keep blogging, don't let anyone spoil your fun!

Jen said...

Stop talking about me already! LOL~!

J/K... but I totally know what you mean, and you already know how I feel about it. Aka: LAME.

SimplyBillie said...

Come on now... we all know you've been talking about me. LOL! Just kidding.
I enjoy your blog and think your one of the sweetest people... everyone needs to vent now and again, though. =)

Preppy Mama said...

Well, said. It sounds like its their problem anyway. You have more important things to focus on like that beautiful little baby!!!

Lindz said...

Oh no Steph, what gives now?

Lynsey said...


Mojavi said...

ohhh sucks your having drama right ow.. just enjoy that baby girl and ignore the rest!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Ugh. I hear ya.