Thursday, December 16, 2010


I am proud to say that my sweet little Skylar has not had her binkie since Tuesday morning at 9am! I took it when she wasn't looking and just never gave it back. She has asked for it a few times and whined a little about not having it, but it was actually relatively easy. I think it hurt me more than her because I knew that was her safety net. Not only that, it makes me realize that my baby isn't that 'small' anymore. I don't know that I am ready for that at all! But have to cope and deal. I am so proud of her. She naps well without it, goes down for the night without it, and is just doing amazing. Makes me think that I should have done it long ago...

So proud of you my sweet little Skylar. You amaze mommy each and every day! I love you!!

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