Sweet Skylar,
Another month has passed and you just keep on growing. You keep on learning and trying new things. This past month has been incredible with you. Two weeks before your 11 month birthday you decided to walk. And it wasn't just a couple steps. You took at least 8. The best part: both your Daddy and I got to witness it! It was the most wonderful thing. Your Daddy (the tough guy that he is!) teared up and couldn't stop kissing you and telling you how proud he was of you. We both were. You were all about showing off once you figured out how much attention you got from walking! Within two weeks, you are insanely all over the place. You definitely seem to prefer walking over crawling.
Your personality is also growing. You are hilarious and are always cracking us up. You make the cutest, funniest facial expressions ever. If anyone laughs at you, you will repeat yourself. Already the comedian. You don't just have a sense of humor. You have quite the little attitude already. Boy are you a stubborn little thing. I have heard that you take after me. You for sure have figured out how to throw a fit. I am sure it isn't right for me to laugh, but there are times that I am unable to help it.
You love to snuggle and will lay your head on me when I ask you to snuggle me. You make kissing noises. You try to say "thank you". You wave when people say 'hello' and 'good bye'. You love to talk on the phone. Just a couple weeks ago, you actually kissed the phone while talking to your big sister. You love taking out every single DVD. You love drinking Grandma's iced tea from a straw. You love big people food - especially pancakes - just like your brother and sister. And boy do you adore your brother and sister. You find every single thing they do amusing and they can both get you laughing like no one else can!
It makes me sad to think that in just a month, you will be one. You already are so independent and so big. You are growing up so fast. It is so exciting and a little sad all at the same time. I love all the adventures we have to look forward to, watching you grow, learn. But it is sad that you aren't a little baby anymore. You will however always be my little baby girl. Age will never change that.
Mommy loves you sweet girl! I love you with all my heart. I love absolutely every little thing about you and spending every minute I spend with you. I want to bottle up every moment, every memory, every facial expression, every smile, every hug. I will forever adore you sweet girl.
I love you!
Awww, how sweet.
I cannot believe that she will be ONE next month. It seems like you just had her!
(sorry, had to delete my other comment due to a typo)
Awwww I can't believe Skylar will be 1 years old so soon! :)
What a nice message to Skylar. I hope you keep this for her when she is older.
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