Monday, June 13, 2011

Study Time

Tomorrow marks the end of my first official class in my master's. So far, I have a 98% in the class. I am praying that I am able to maintain that which is putting a lot of pressure on this test. I think I would have preferred writing another paper or maybe even a multiple choice test. Instead, we have to apply theory to our own lives. It is so easy learning theory and applying it to case studies and others in general. However, when it comes to analyzing yourself, it gets a little tricky. It definitely isn't as easy as it seems. I have all my notes complied and now I am going to walk through and start applying all these concepts to my life and get down into what has shaped me into the person that I have become, what I strive to be. Then tomorrow, I get to put it in writing for my professor to read and PRAY that she gets it!

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