Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I am having one of those days where I just am feeling a bit blah. Nothing is wrong with me, there are no problems or anything. I just am in one of those moods. I don't know if it is cause it is almost that time of the month and so I feel all bloated and gross or what. But it is something. Not to mention, it seems like this damn week and every day in it, is just dragging some super fat ass. Oh well, what can you do? I guess it doesn't help that I haven't been to the gym in a little over a week. Looks like I will have to spend my weekend running some miles. And maybe Eli and I can go on a bike ride. Last time we did that we had a great time even though I got scared that a bum was gonna jump my ass going through a tunnel (he still makes fun of me!).

Oh a little random, but I started my myspace back up and I am being super limited on who I am adding as friends. Its not that I don't want people on my friends list, I just am over the whole thing really, but didn't like that I was out of touch with some people and that was our only form of contact. I guess through everything I just realized I am done with so many different things. So that is that. It is nice to be back on, but I don't feel the need to get on it every day by any means. Before when I had it, I kept it private because I didn't want certain people to know what I was up to or know my business. Now, I could care less. It is there for all the world to see. And it cracks me up more that Eli got one so he could send me cute little messages. He can be super cute that is for sure.


misguidedmommy said...

you are some funny shit!

Anonymous said...

So glad things are good! =) This week is DRAGGING for me too! But it's thursday already...YAY! I'm doing the gym 2-3 days a week still...can't seem to get there more! Have a great day!

Megan said...

Ok hold on...did I miss the post where things got better with you and Eli? I need to catch up!! Those 5 days with my family here must've put me waaaay behind on the lives of my blogging buddies. :) So glad things are looking up for you, girl!! I was bummed that you were so down...