Wednesday, July 25, 2007

For you Shannon

There has been something that has been irritating me for quite a while now and I haven't been able to say anything because I haven't known what to say or if it was my place to say something. But considering the person that I know (or assume) has to be affected has stuck up for me when I was getting harassed on my blog, I feel it is ok for me to. Everyone knows that Shannon hasn't been having the easiest pregnancy. Let's face it, we were all very worried that she might actually lose Codi and still struggles with being on semi bed rest and limited activity. She isn't able to do the things that she loves to do with her son and it kills her on a daily basis. I know that all that read my blog also read her blog and with that have seen her post finally coming clean with all her feelings and emotions with this ordeal. So, knowing that she is home A LOT and is constantly reading other peoples blogs...even if they don't post regularly.

I guess I just feel bad because I know she has to get irritated when people take for granted how lucky they are in their own lives. I know I pointed this out about myself when I was going through my rough time and acting like it was the end of the world. I had to put things in perspective. I think that there are too many times that people take things for granted. Things like having a healthy, happy family or having a great pregnancy that has been problem free and yet constantly thinking the worst or negatively rather than cherishing the experience. I have never been pregnant and won't be for quite some time, but I do try to think about how it would be. And I honestly couldn't imagine what Shannon is going through, what Karla from Untangling Knots has been through, or Lainey-Paney for that matter. But I can definitely sympathize with them all. My family has been through their fair share and I have actually lost a brother from my mom having a crappy pregnancy. I guess I just have taken a lot of time to reflect on things and look around and have really been taking other peoples feelings into consideration. So crazy how easy it is to be selfish and self-absorbed.

So really, I guess this blog is for you Shannon. I hope that you know that you are thought about each and every day and I am sure not just by me. Everyone is here for you pulling for you and in your corner. I pray every day that Codi stays strong and that things get better for you as each day goes on.

In no way am I trying to offend anyone or anything and I hope that I didn't. It was just something on my mind that I needed to get out. Mostly, I want Shannon to know I am there for her just as much as she has been for me.


Jen said...

Ugh... Everyone has a right to go through a hard-time.. and write about it. You did this in your blog and nobody thought you were blowing things out of proportion. But also you are right about putting things in perspective. To constantly harp on imaginary ISSUES that you are worried about for NO REASON is totally irritating to people that really do have actual problems in their lives.

Lainey-Paney said...

You aren't selfish or self-absorbed.
your life is your life. your ups & downs are important in your life. and, your blog is your blog. If you wanted to type 3,000 words about how disappointing your lunch was today, in my opinion---that's what your blog is for. Just let it all out!

Lindz said...
