Monday, July 23, 2007


There seems to finally be peace back in my life. Between the girls messing with me and all that Eli and I were going through, things are calm. It is so nice. It was definitely a long two weeks. As of last week, Eli and I are back to talking and working things out. There were so many different things that were going on that I didn't know about and things that I will keep to myself, but I understand things from his point of view although I don't agree with how he handled any part of the situation. I know that we have both learned a ton from it and our relationship seems to be so much stronger than what it was before. Everything just seems to be better. We have never communicated better than we have the last week. So I may be an idiot to many other people, but I truly feel like I am doing the right thing for me.

He had the kids this past weekend and we had so much fun with them. They really are amazing and I love spending time with them. And I truly love watching how Eli interacts with them. He is such a wonderful father.

It is nice that things are calm. I am spending this week house sitting. This is the first time the people have ever had someone house sit (and my first time house sitting for someone other than family) and all I have to do is sleep there and feed a little dog twice a day. It is so simple and they are paying me $200. Doesn't get much easier than that! The little dog is deaf. It is sad, but actually quite funny at times. She is super spoiled though. That is about all that is going on. I just wanted to "check in" since it's been a few days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's great that things are so much better again :)
I'm happy for you!!!