Thursday, May 3, 2007

Still shocked

So I think one of the weirdest things I have ever heard happened the other day. I was in shock that it happened, but then I realized I had called it...yet still can't believe it. I am not going to mention names or how I know said person, but will give the general idea. I like said person and don't want to slam them whatsoever.

Anyhow, I found out a girl I know had a baby the other day. I know, not that weird. Here is the thing...she didn't know that she was pregnant. She had been having severe cramps for a couple days before she finally had a friend take her into the emergency room. She thought maybe she was just having kidney stones or something. Well her friend drops her off knowing her mom would be there and when she got to the hospital, she found out that she was 10cm dilated! Yep, that's right. She went in thinking she would get some medication and be on her way only to find out she would be having a kid. I find it completely odd that she was that dilated and her water hadn't broke.

But what I really don't understand, is how the hell did she not realize that she was pregnant?? People had noticed that she had gained some weight and I had even asked a couple people if she were pregnant. I guess she still had her "period" a couple times...but still. After reading every one's blogs and seeing all that they are going through with their pregnancies, I can't fathom her not noticing how much her body was changing, the fact that there was something living and growing inside her...MOVING inside her. From what is being said, she hadn't been feeling well, but just blamed it on stomach flu or other issues. Never anything about possibly being pregnant. I just don't understand how the thought never crossed her mind. I am just floored. The poor girl had been in labor for two and a half days before she went to the hospital. It was something that wasn't even remotely planned or expected. I couldn't even imagine how she is feeling right now.

Maybe she didn't do anything about it because she was in so much denial that she wasn't that she truly convinced herself that she wasn't. I don't know. I wouldn't know how the heck to explain something like that. It honestly reminded me of a segment on Rob, Arnie, and Dawn about a 400 pound woman going to the hospital with pain and delivering a kid. They were saying how they could understand how she might not know she was pregnant due to being so huge and a little weight wouldn't make that much of a difference. But this girl wasn't huge. She wasn't even "fat" per say. She wasn't slim by any means, but you get what I am trying to say. Didn't her boobs hurt? Didn't she have morning sickness (I know not all people do)? Didn't she have any of the other signs that other people have? Shit like this doesn't happen in real life...until now. So damn crazy...


That Girl Tam said...

I was passing thru...

I have a cousin who was pregnant and living at home and her parents never knew she was pregnant until the day she called from the hospital to tell my aunt. Nobody questioned the baggy clothes and weight gain...she was 17.

Sometimes the strangest shit happens...

Stephanie said...

I get that and have seen people do that and not have others questions. But this girl really didn't know that she was clue. Didn't know she was having a baby and just thought she had stomach problems of some sort. Crazy...

misguidedmommy said...

you know, if i didnt have a cold this time i really dont think i would notice. i would pass the vomiting off as stomach flu and the breast pain as me sucking, however toward the end when there are elbows sticking out of your belly and arms and butts moving around, there is no way you can't not know....this girl is weird.

Lindz said...

What in the hell!?!?!?

Jen said...

Ummm. WHOA!

I agree with Shannon that I might just pass off the tiredness and the breast soreness as a "bug" or PMS, but really, down the line when the baby is moving and you have to PEE all the time... and the MOOD SWINGS! Oh the Mood Swings..

This girl is totally cray cray. I know you like her and all, but she is wacked out.