Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Seth

My sweet boy is the Star of the week this week at school. With this, he is supposed to carry around the class teddy bear, take pictures with him, write about what they do for the week, and he got to take in pictures to share with the class. He is doing so incredibly well in school. He is enjoying it, working hard, learning more and more words, keeps getting green cards every day for good behavior. I couldn't be more proud. I just hope and pray that his love for school continues and him having good behavior does as well! He is still quite the little snuggle bug and I can't get enough of it. He is the sweetest little thing and I couldn't be more lucky to have such a wonderful boy for my son!


Marni's Organized Mess said...

How cute! Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

Megan said...

He gets cuter by the day - as do all your kiddos! Can't wait to see pics of little beauty Miss Sierra. xoxo